FreeHolds Adventure, Cycle 1 Part 9b
Eventually they came off the bridge, onto the island, to the city of GreensBridge.
All around them was a world of confusion, thousands of people filing through the major intersection off the bridge, two broad ramps spiralled to the sides and under the bridge, stairs ran along the sides of the ramps. Three roads, ran perfectly southwest, west and northwest. The centre road being a double lane boulevard with a divider of fruit trees and flowers, a narrow stone waterway running it’s length. The southwest and northwest roads lead to a series of large farm-like buildings to either side. Adwin was somewhat surprised that they were literally farms, barns for livestock and a large slaughter house complex. Foul, dairy and wool dominated the north side. The barns were bigger than Lord Willik’s keep. A monolithic standing stone and green fountain dominated the centre of the intersection, traffic flowed around it.
Adwin was surprised by the lack of stench, the city smelled worse yesterday from across the river. The lack of debris or clutter, everything was so big he felt tiny. Over it all, the three towers loomed, it would be really hard to get lost in this city.
The noise was overwhelming though and Adwin noticed that they had stopped moving forward, Tipper was crouched on the ground and Mokha was hovering over her, they still both held the leads to the horses.
From the area of the fountain Adwin spotted a gaggle of kids swarming through the crowd towards them.
He shouted to Mokha, “What’s going on?”
“We’ve trouble coming!”
“No! She’s freaking out!”
“Tipper is freaking out!”
And then the first wave of kids were around him, reckless of the horses, a couple the smaller ones darted under Tipper’s pony. The were reaching up towards him, all of them babbling. Most looked dirty and half starved, they were ragged and stank. He could not make heads or tails of what they were saying. A couple of older youth moved up to them as well, just a few years younger than he. “Spare some weight, my Lord! Spare some weight.”
They thought he was a lord! However that came about, he was not in the mood to be sparing any more weight to anyone else, he pulled his staff from his bedroll. The tinkling of raining copper coins sounded to his right and then again behind him, he looked around. The kids darted towards the coins, the swam of them pealing away from Adwin. Mokha lobbed another handful of coins over his head, than shouted to Adwin, “Get the horses.”
Then Mokha moved to Tipper, got her standing up and had her place a hand on his shoulder, he started leading her towards a little park with a bench and a statue to the south side of the intersection. Adwin jumped down from his mount.
He nearly fell, if not for the staff he would have. Pain shot through his knee and it was slow to respond and stiff. Owe. He had his horse and the pony, but Mokha’s horse and the pack animal were moving away, towards the fountain. He hobbled after them. Catching them when they stopped to drink from the fountain, he was sweating by the time he had their lead.
There was a woman bathing in the fountain, naked as could be. She smiled at him, gave a little wave, turned her back and resumed scrubbing her clothing. He could easily count her ribs. He did not see anyone else doing this. He shrugged wondering why there was poor people here.
The horses drank until he pulled them away from the fountain. He managed to get himself back into his saddle and then cut directly towards Tipper and Mokha leading the other three horses. A few people cursed at him for cutting them off, one bowed to him. He made it to the little park, manoeuvred the horses out of the way and looked down to his companions.
“What is going on?”
Mokha, standing beside the bench that Tipper was sitting on looked up. “Bit too much heat I think.” He looked uncomfortable. Tipper looked like she had been crying.
“Are you alright?”
She nodded.
Mokha took the reigns of his horse and said to Tipper, “Why don’t you hop up? I’ll lead the way.” He said smiling and holding up the lead. Adwin chuckled.
Tipper took a big breath and stood up, gathered her pony and said, “I should be okay, thanks Mokha.”
Mokha suggested to Adwin, “I think we need to find a tavern and stables or some such similar arrangement. Do you know anyone here?”
Adwin was confused, “No, do you?”
“Quiet a few actually, but most are across the other side of the city.”
“I think I broke my knee, should have a bone setter take a look.”
Mokha nodded.
Finding a tavern was not hard, finding a tavern with rooms to let was another matter entirely. They had been heading generally south from the bridge, they had walked half a yat before finding the first tavern, everything else up to that point seemed to be industry of one sort or another. That tavern had not offered stable services and it seemed pretty dingy. The second and third had been modestly appointed, their common rooms were near half full but they were booked up indefinitely. They tried a couple inns and then a rooming house, none of them had rooms available, only one offered stable services.
The sun was getting low in the sky, many of the streets were shadowed by tall buildings. Adwin was getting a headache from reading the diverse and numerous signs they had passed. He was hungry and his knee hurt. They had moved slowly southwest in their quest for lodging, they had come close to the university grounds, small parks were more common and there were a number of cobbled walkways lined by trees. Mokha suggested they head more westward as he did not think it likely they would find what they were looking for on the university’s campus.
As darkness started to settle about the streets lamplighters in red robes moved about activating street lamps. The light was bright and had none of the typical qualities of a lamp. The light was steady, more white than orange. When they passed under a post near a major intersection Adwin stopped and looked up at the lamp, it seemed nothing more complex than a small orb radiating bright light. When he asked Mokha about it he was told that they were artifacts left over from the time of the Eldra. Apparently the entire island had been lit with these light orbs at one point, though now it was mostly the southeast part of the island, around the Arcanium and university, as well the major streets and some of the oldest buildings. Mokha believed that the people activating the lights were apprentice or junior mages from the Arcanium.
The next major intersection had two taverns, a large inn with stable and carriage house, there was also a small market within sight though it looked like it was closing down. Mokha went around to inquire about vacancy leaving the two of them with the horses, not far from the stables. Tipper seemed quiet and introspective, Adwin was in increasing discomfort.
After a bit Tipper took a deep breath, “Well, we made it to GreensBridge. What do you think?”
“Pretty amazing so far, I mean, just look at all the magic everywhere. The towers and college for wizardry and ancient bridges and towers. It is way bigger than I ever imagined. I’m glad I’m here.”
“Good, I’m glad Adwin. Glad we met and glad you did not die at the hand of goblins in the ruins of Kaymere.”
There was something odd about her tone, “Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, I don’t like cities nor the crowd of humanity that goes with them.”
“Yet you wanted to come here?”
“I needed to come to the university, hopefully the Arcanium. I am looking for something in Kaymere, as you know. If there’s any information on what I’m looking for, other than what I’d gathered earlier, than it should be here.”
“Can you tell me what you’re looking for?”
“I’d rather not. Not yet at least.”
“Okay, well, I’ll help you do research or whatever.”
“No, I don’t think so Adwin. I’m going to have to do this on my own.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Really, I think it’s best, once we sort ourselves out here, for you and Mokha to do your own thing. Work, carousing, whatever. I’m going to be really busy, can’t afford distractions, I’ll need to be back on the road by mid spring next year.”
Adwin felt a bit of a lump forming in his throat, “Oh, okay, I get it.”
Tipper glanced away and sighed, “Don’t be sad, we’ll keep in touch and maybe we can celebrate the yuletide together. If you end up heading back east next spring maybe we can travel together. I’d even be okay if Mokha joined us for our return trip, if he goes that way.”
“Yeah, well, I guess.” He managed to get out before having to shut his mouth, he did not want to embarrass himself by being overly emotional. It was not like he and Tipper ever planned to settle down or anything, he’d known that from the start.
Luckily Mokha returned, “Good news, I was able to get us a room at the inn and stabling for the mounts. Very pricey end of town, but with Adwin’s knee and the university being so close, I made arrangements for the next eight-day. Give us a base until we sort things out.”
Tipper, “That’s really nice Mokha, thank you. If you can take the horses, I’ll get Adwin to the room and take a look at that leg.”
“No problem, I’ll likely check out the taverns.”
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