Prymvera was created in 1991 as an original campaign setting for table top role playing games. It has grown and expanded continuously for the last 30 years with active campaigns throughout.
Over the years, there have been over 50 active players, with games having taken place in 3 different cities.
This site brings some of these stories to a wider audience. It is hoped that fans old and new will enjoy the imaginative diversity of this world.
About the Creators:
JB Michaels: Writer and creator of Prymvera.
Starper: Artist and participant of the living story of Prymvera.
Project Vision:
There are dozens of stories, settings, and hundreds of characters already in motion. These stories have yet to be told.
The artists are committed to bringing as many of these characters to life as possible; to share them with as wide an audience as will listen.
It is hoped that you, dear reader, will enjoy this journey into Prymvera and participate as you are able.
If you like what you see and wish to support us, consider donating to us via Ko-fi.
Our Toolbox:
In the process of making this website, we have paid for and used the following:
As well as many pens, pencils, papers and paints.