FreeHolds Adventure, Cycle 3 Part 8e

FreeHolds Adventure, Cycle 3 Part 8e

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Mokha passed the wand of the water pipe to Calathy. He held the smoke he had inhaled, it was not until Calathy gave the wand to Chance that Mokha exhaled, the long stream of smoke hung heavy in the air for a moment before it began to dissipate up through the branches of the old dulmak. Calathy stretched and sighed, “That feels so good.”

Mokha grinned at her. The water pipe burbled and went quiet, Chance tilted their head back and exhaled, “I think it’s done.”

Mokha leaned over to check the coals, there was not much of anything left. “Yeah, that’s that, I guess.”

Calathy, with a wide grin and bright eyes, told him, “Thank you for sharing, Mokha. I think I might be acquiring a taste for hashish.”

He moved the pipe aside and looked at his two companions. Chance picked up their lute and started tuning it, Calathy was observing how the sun came down through the leaves of the dulmak. Mokha said, “We’ve been here seventy-four days, the summer is nearly half gone.”

“I hope Setta is alright. I figured she’d have been here a while ago, even allowing for delays.”

Mokha’s thoughts were along a similar line, though he refused to assume it was because of anything atypical happening along the road. After watching Adwin worry about Tipper on and off throughout the spring, he was making a point to avoid doing the same thing to himself or the others around him.

Chance plucked a few notes. Calathy rolled her shoulders and massaged her left arm a bit, “I’m almost regretting asking Tipper to put me on labour duties. Aside from the sore body, I’ve smacked my head a dozen times over the past few days. I need to remember to stay low.”

“I’m really happy not to be on labour duties any more.” For most of them, the last three eight-days had been spent moving stone and rubble, making sure that the larger stones in the Deep Hall that could not be moved would not do so of their own accord. Morp, Paldy and Retha had made another trip to get timber, some of it had gone to fuelling the cooking fires, most had been used as support posts within the ruins. “Why did you ask to switch?”

She laid back, closing her eyes, “Two reasons; first, everyone was getting really fit. Have you seen Adwin’s arms lately? Even Sefla and Whyse, especially Sefla, have you seen her abdomen? Second, and maybe the main one, since I left my cooking job behind, I’ve mostly still been cooking. I thought it was time to change things up a bit. Especially since Tal and Kolti are good cooks.”

Mokha’s tasks had also changed. Tipper had him looking at everything they pulled out of the Deep Hall that wasn’t stone or dirt. He had no other duties at this point. Investigate, categorize and analyze. He had learned the spell that would best allow him to do so, much sooner than expected, he felt his present task was more aligned with his abilities and he really appreciated not waking every morning feeling achy. Over the past year he had learned more about magic than he had in the previous five. Not that he minded, knowledge begot knowledge and he no longer had to work like a slave, nor patrol like a soldier. Unlike Calathy, he was less concerned about looking fit or well muscled.

“Are we going to play some music?” Chanced asked.

Mokha nodded, “Of course. Should I lute or sitar?”

“Lute, I think. Since we have Calathy here, I thought a couple of the old ballads and then maybe a song of love.”

Mokha took up his lute and tuned it to Chance’s instrument. Calathy sat up straight, always happy to sing a song or three. Mokha accompanied Chance’s lead, strumming softly, his thoughts wandering.

A couple more of the giant spiders had been discovered and slain. Tipper and Whyse had both found goblin tracks around the edges of the patrol area but no goblins had been seen. Given the number of people here, Mokha did not think goblins would be a problem, but Tipper had taken the precaution of setting up a watch rotation for the night.

Occasionally they would see folks passing by, mostly heading south or north. The crew from Aramy assured them that there seemed to be more traffic than in previous years, though perhaps not all of it was bound for Aramy.

Retha was sure that she was pregnant, Maradda was fairly sure that she had also conceived, while Lilly and Adwin were still in the process of making that happen for her. Adwin no longer seemed so disconcerted about his mission and Calathy was enjoying the situation. Everyone else in the crew was at least somewhat invested in Adwin’s success. Chance and he had decided on three of the verses they had composed for FreeHolds Ramble so far, which verse would be included was going to depend on whether or not all three women did in fact become pregnant.

Calathy’s singing drew him back to the song, for a long while the three of them were lost in the music. Other thoughts faded away, their world became the little space under the ancient dulmak.

No good moment could last forever, noise from the camp intruded into their little world, it sounded like most folks had come down from the ruins. There were excited exclamations and Tipper was calling for everyone to gather around.

The three of them stopped. They looked at each other and Calathy said what was on all their minds, “She found it?” She was up and gone in a swirl of skirts and flowing red hair.

Chance chuckled, “It’s funny how invested we get in the things we do. Shall we see what’s happening?”

Mokha nodded, he put his instrument in its case and followed after them. Everyone was crowded into the dining room. Tipper was waiting patiently, the sword lay on the table. It took a while for everyone to settle down.

She smiled brightly, gesturing with an open palm, “This is the weapon I’ve been looking for. Six blades like this were forged by the ancients, all but this one have been lost. Both the man who wielded it and the drake he fought died when Kaymere collapsed. We found both the dragon’s skeleton and the artifacts of the half-blood. I would not have found this without your help, for that I owe each of you a debt of gratitude.”

Everyone looked at the weapon. It was of a surprisingly simple design; a broad blade, tapering to a point with a simple crossguard. The metal itself had an odd reddish hue, there was no sign of embellishment or decoration. No one here would be able to use it in anything other than a two handed form. Mokha wondered if the weapon was as heavy as it looked. The silence stretched until Morp asked, “So what now?”

“Well, surprisingly we found this before the Arcanium showed up. We have found plenty and more that will be of interest to them. I know that most of you have been here longer than expected, so I’m of a mind to make an equal division of the mundane loot, like the gold, the pots. We have found numerous magical artifacts, some of which Mokha has been able to discern the enchantments of, enough that we should each be able to take a couple as well. Most of the rest I intend to leave for the Arcanium to sort out. Any of you who want to head home may do so.”

Most seemed content with Tipper’s suggestions. Kolti asked if the dragon bones were in good enough shape that it would not just crumble to dust like the other bones they had found and if they could each have one. Calathy was looking around at the group, her expression a little sad. Lilly appeared concerned. The group broke up into smaller parties, discussing their future plans.

Mokha sat down beside Tipper, Adwin was across the table from them. The Aramy crew had quickly decided to head out within two or three days. The women from Lekas left to have a more private conversation. Adwin was smiling a bit mischievously, “I bet I know what you’re going to say next, Tipper.”

“I won’t take that wager.” She replied dryly.

“So that’s it then?” Mokha asked.

“Well, I’ll need you to oversee the distribution of the loot and make sure no one wanders off with anything too dangerous. I’m actually going to go back down now and gather up a few things that are still there. Of course, I would like to get going as soon as possible,” She smiled at Adwin, “And, I was wondering how you’d feel Mokha, if we left you here to greet the expedition when it shows up.”

“I’m fine with that, though I don’t think I’ll wait more than a couple of eight-days before heading to Janderton. I’d still like to join you in Darners Hold and I know Setta intends to keep her word, regarding the help she offered you and your kin.”

“If the Arcanium hasn’t shown up before you head to Janderton, I assume you will be coming back this way?”

“I’ll be back looking for Setta.” He stated emphatically.

Tipper nodded, “Honestly, I’m very surprised they aren’t here already.”

Adwin added, “I hope Setta is okay.”

“I’m sure she is.”

Over the next couple of days Mokha was rather busy, even with Sefla’s help. The division of the loot turned out to be a more complicated task than expected, especially when it came to the various magical items. Everyone had wanted to know what everything did. Some people were rather indecisive about it while some were more inclined towards items Mokha had not analyzed by that point. He was able to accommodate a few of them, but there were many more items he had not analyzed than he had. Eventually though, towards the end of the second day, everyone had made their choices. Everyone took a dragon bone or two. There was some disagreement about who would get to keep the skull, but that was quickly resolved. The women from Predost would take it home with them. People helped themselves to pots, dishes, tools and other more mundane items Mokha did not even try to keep track of. With Adwin’s help he melted the gold down into half-bar weights, everyone received one of those and Adwin kept the difference.

Early the next morning the folks from Aramy left, there were lots of hugs and well-wishing. With their departure the camp seemed overly large and rather quiet. The following day the others went, heading out along the East Road.

He promised to catch up to his friends as soon as he could. Sefla seemed like she would rather have gone with Adwin and company. Through the next few days she was rather despondent and melancholy.

An eight-day later Setta came riding up to their camp. Surprisingly she was alone, not wearing red. Mokha asked, “Where’s the expedition?”

“They should be leaving Aramy about now. Where are Tipper and Adwin?”

“Heading to Willik’s Hold.”

“What are we doing?”

“We’re going to swing by Janderton before joining the others.”

“Janderton? Interesting, some of my former co-workers were heading there to investigate the place and to try and convince Lord Jander to return to GreensBridge.”

“Are you going to get off that horse?”

“Sure. I take it we’re not ready to leave yet?”

“Mostly, but I want a hug and a bunch of kisses. Then we’ll sort out the details.”

She smiled and dismounted, “That seems like a totally reasonable suggestion.”


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